

Full-Stack Web Developer in Frankfurt


Crafting tailor-made solutions in the digital world, I specialize in designing user-friendly, responsive web and mobile applications that seamlessly blend creativity with functionality. From concept to execution.

Ready to turn your vision into reality? Reach out today, and let's start crafting exceptional online experiences that make your brand stand out and leave a lasting impression.

About Me

Welcome to My Portfolio Website!

I am NEA, a certified Full-Stack Web Developer and accomplished Management Professional, with extensive experience in both business development and tech.

Over a decade, I specialized in sales and marketing strategies, revenue growth, and client relationship management. At a young age, I was fascinated by creating PowerPoint presentations and animations. These skills became invaluable assets in my early career, particularly in crafting presentations for client pitches and products showcasing to stakeholders.

My experience in customer-centric environments sharpened my ability to identify, understand and address client needs, leveraging my communication and analytical skills to deliver effective solutions aligned with business goals.

In 2018, while learning HTML and CSS to build my first website, I noticed similarities between making PowerPoint presentations and crafting websites. My curiosity for technology and commitment to excellence ultimately led me to strengthen my hard skills and retrain in web development in 2022. This marked the beginning of my journey into tech.

I have delved deep into HTML, CSS, JavaScript, TypeScript, and popular frameworks, including Angular, React, Vue, and Express.js. Alongside, my proficiency extends to database management and cloud deployment, while my knowledge in UX/UI design principles guarantees seamless user experiences. I have experience in Agile methodologies, including Scrum and Kanban, enabling efficient project management and delivery. I have developed mobile applications and am proficient in various testing methodologies, ensuring the quality and reliability of my applications.

With a Bachelor's degree in Management and currently pursuing an MBA in Project Management, I bring a blend of technical expertise and business acumen to every project.

Beyond work, I love exploring the great outdoors through hiking, photography, and mindfulness activities, pursuits fueled by my desire for continuous learning and personal growth.

With a genuine interest in helping transform your ideas into reality, I am excited about the opportunity to collaborate with you. Let's bring your vision to life together!

Skill Set

Frontend Development



- JavaScript

- TypeScript


- Angular

- React

- Vue

- UX/UI design: User flow, Stories, Scenarios

Backend Development

- Node.js

- Express

- Next.js

- MongoDB

- PostgreSQL

- Firestore

- API's (JSON, OAuth, RESTful)

Mobile Development

- React Native

- Progressive Web Application

- Expo CLI

Version Control & Deployment

- Git / GitHub

- Continuous Integration / Continuous Deployment

- Amazon Web Services

- Google Cloud Platform

- Render

- Netlify

Testing Process

- Cross-browser testing

- Test-Driven Development

- Behavior-Driven Development

- API testing

- Performance Monitoring & Error Tracking

Agile Methodologies & Soft Skills


- Kanban

- Analytical & Problem-solving

- Communication & Networking

- Team Training & Leadership

Latest Projects

Kadena Block Explorer

Kadena Block Explorer

Re-design and re-envision of the current Kadena block explorer, an analytics tool for the Kadena platform. Build with Next.js using multiple libraries: React.js, TailwindCSS, shadcnUI, Recharts and RadixUI for web accessibility. Ensured Figma design compliance. Collaborated in Agile with a group of 30+ stakeholders.

Kadet Wallet Landing Page

Kadet Wallet & Landing Page

Kadet Wallet is a beginner-friendly crypto wallet developed by Tech Fleet. The Landing Page complements the wallet's web extension, offering easy access to information and resources on blockchain and crypto. Worked in Agile with a group of 30+ stakeholders. The Kadet Wallet Landing Page is built with React.js, adhering to Figma design.

myFlix React App

myFlix React App

The client-side of the myFlix app includes several interface views (built using the React library) that handle data through the (previously defined) REST API endpoints.

Angular App (myFlix)

Angular App (myFlix)

A single-page, responsive movie app "myFlix" built with Angular, with routing and several interface views.



Server-side of the web application MyFlix. It consists of a well-designed REST API and architected database built using JavaScript, Node.js, Express, and MongoDB. The REST API is accessed via commonly used HTTP methods like GET and POST. Similar methods (CRUD) are used to retrieve data from the database and store that data in a non-relational way.

JavaScript App - Pokédex

JavaScript App - Pokédex

A small web application built with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript that loads data from an external API and enables the viewing of data points in detail.

Meet App

Meet App

A serverless, progressive web application (PWA) with React using a test-driven development (TDD) technique. The application uses the Google Calendar API to fetch upcoming events.

Chat App

Chat App

A chat app for mobile devices using React Native. The app will provide users with a chat interface and options to share images and their location.

Let's Work Together !

Got a project in mind? Drop me a line, and together we change coffee to code.